
Spezielle Tantra- Massage- Demo mit Araceli aus Spanien


Spezielle Tantra- Massage- Demo mit Araceli aus Spanien
Spezielle Tantra- Massage- Demo mit Araceli aus Spanien
Fr, 18. Juli 2014, 15:30 h - 18:00 h
Seminarhaus Leipzig - Leipzig, Sachsen
Seminar, Vortrag, Ausbildung
Sabine Liuzzi


Es besteht die Möglichkeit, sich am 21.7. massieren zu lassen von Araceli.

Preis: 1,5 - 2 Stunden: 135 Euro


What is Tantra?

Tantra: The expansion of consciousness.

Become aware of the now. Relax into it. Observe it without judgement, without rejection, but with love. Slow down and listen to it. Listen to the present, to this unique moment of unfolding life.

Feel it. Be it.

Tantra is the expansion of consciousness and the connection to your essence; to who you really are, through the act of acceptance and the loving observation of all the different aspects of life within you and around you. Darkness and light; matter and spirit; male and female: these are not opposites but loving complements of one another. Relax and experience the ecstasy of union: everything that happens is born of the same magic, the miracle of being alive."

"Tantric massage: The experience of touch

This full body massage is about to be very present in your body and your emotions, and to be clear that the only goal of the massage is to feel your body in the present: to become aware of your breath throughout your whole body. The breath connects the physical body to the emotional and spiritual form, and acts as the vehicle for the awakened energy to expand throughout the body.

It is not about generating excitement or reaching any goal like an orgasmus, but heightening the receptivity of the body so that when the energy is increased, by sexual arousal or by acknowledging the present, it has room to expand to all the cells throughout the body, and in this way becoming love and ecstasy. Ecstasy is knowledge of the self. It is the experience of what you really are: pure consciousness and vibrant energy! Sometimes, along with the expansion of the breath and energy, a release of emotion can occur, alleviating us from experiences that continued to hurt and contract us.

For Tantra, the body is the temple of the soul. Allow yourself to be touched deeply by this massage for the soul.


Seminarhaus Leipzig
Seminarhaus Leipzig - Webseite
Zwenkauer Straße 44


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 Kontakt: JeetTv Sabine und Dr. Jeet Liuzzi  |  Netz: +49 341 22577841   |  jeet@jeet.de  jeet@jeet.tv  Skype: jeetsabine  04277 Leipzig Zwenkauer Str. 44 | Ersatz-Netz: +49 341 39290873 Mobil 0172 - 76 72 535  

 Leipzig Osho Amurta Meditationszentrum Dr. Jeet Liuzzi, Gründer und Leiter der Osho Amurta Meditation Club und Commune international e.V

Bankverbindung: R. Liuzzi Konto: 979281901, BLZ: 86010090 Postbank  |  BAN: DE97 8601 0090 0979 2819 01, BIC: PBNKDEFF

EMC Europäisches Medien Center | Neue Medien in der Neue Zeit Zusammenschluss freier unabhängiger Medien

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